Quote of the week

It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
James Gordon, M.D.


it's my lucky day

too bad it's Thurs., because if it were Wed I'd pish my luck and buy a power ball ticket. I was starving this am and burnt my toast (a little back ground - I don't have a toaster so I sear bread in a skillet and call it toast - it's a bit more time consuming but since I eat toast only every other month or so I don't think it's a big deal). Anyway - i had to sear up a new piece of bread so I was running a few minutes late. We had a flight out of Medford so I picked up the boss man and hit I-5 like a bat out of hell. Plus, I really like driving my car and there was no traffic...except for that highway patroler - ooops! As I rapidly approached him at 80 I saw the yellow, but lucky for me he was in a good mood or something. He gave me a verbal warning (yeah - not even a written one - I love it) and asked me to please slow down. Can do. I feel paid back for all my time driving like a grandma this summer - a karmic kick back for creeping along all those backroads when I could have opened it up and had some fun. I'll go back to my grandma ways though - won't get lucky all the time.

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