Quote of the week

It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
James Gordon, M.D.



Off to Panama for 7 days of surf camp adventure :) woohoo!!!
Happy Turkey Day everyone.



I've been hunkering down in my cave lately so no blog postings, etc. Sorry! I would like to report that I am finally a registered Landscape Architect :)! I had my oral interview on Friday. As it turned out, it was nothing more than a technicality. Good thing because I only spent about 2 hrs preparing for it. It's nice to have that over with and I am enjoying the accomplishment.

There have been some other work changes resulting from the ecomony, or should I say what remains of it. I am happy to report that I am still employed, even though it is at a reduced hours work week. I haven't actually worked a short week yet because as soon as I found out that my slackin, vacation lovin life style was going to be financially crimped, I threw out the word that I was looking for other opportunities to make some cash. This town in amazing! In a matter of 2 days I had a side job lined up as a photographers assistant - random!, but fun, and since then other random filler jobs have been trickling in. I have to take this opportunity to thank my parents for instilling in me, good ol' fashion work ethic! It's saving my ass right now :)


shocked and amazed

Pete was in a commercial yesterday for Lithia Motors and his role was to act shocked and amazed at the low prices. He demonstrated for Derek and I last night. I think it's convincing. What do you think?


Halloween and beyond...

Here's what I will look like in 50 years...or would have looked 50 years ago. I don't think this apple rolled too far from the family tree because I think I've seen this before...Derek kept laughing at me but for some reason he went out in public with me anyway. I've been a moving mad girl the past week. Derek, Leah and I went out on Halloween and ended up cutting a rug at the Siskiyou. It was a blast! Moving the next day went really well too. I have spent the last week getting settled into the new place, decorating, etc. The boys have been very patient with me and I really appreciate the freedom they have granted me to girl up the new pad. It definately has the bachelor pad thing going on a bit, but nothing like before. For instance, I am sitting on the kitchen couch listening to music and surfing the web. This was Pete's idea and I just went along with it to humor him, but it's great! Of course, there is still a couch out in the living room too.
Derek played me some music while we waited for the trick or treaters to take all the candy. He is a very talented musician and I enjoy listening to him play.

Leah was adorable on Halloween, as usual. She had wings too :)!