Quote of the week

It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
James Gordon, M.D.


Happy 34th in mystery location

This is Holly's "favorite" b-day picture. I think she was 16 here, but not sure. She's 34 today - Happy Birthday Sissy! We're all out here in SV celebrating. We all rolled into town yesterday afternoon and I did what I could to be the 1st one here so I could hit the trails. I went north of town and checked out some of the loops up there. It was sooooo pretty. The fall color is great right now. I must say, I love living in OR where there are a ton of trees and different shrubs that have a variety of fall color. However, the aspen still holds the number one spot in my heart. I know you east coast folks would argue, and have, and the maples on the east coast are very impressive, BUT the aspen is just amazing! I think it's the white bark, the sparseness of the leaves and the fact that they are in iscolated clumps. It makes them special.
We are staying in a condo. Thank goodness because Mom brought us boxes and boxes of stuff. As you can see from her expression, it's not stuff that she likes. There is some stuff that I like though. Random ceerap, but sadly there is only a few things that are being transported to the local thrift store.
I enoyed the irony of this particular item.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the picture of Holly! I should have my mom dig around and see if she has any of her from around then. Then again, my mom probably burned them seeing as Holly's such a bad influence on me! :) Mel