Quote of the week

It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
James Gordon, M.D.


Granite Man

Today Peter and I participated in teh Granite Man. Peter did the full triathalon and I did the 11 mile mountain trail run. It was a beautiful day out at Applegate. Here I am posing for my start. 2 miles later I was walking, but so was everyone else.
Here is Peter coming out of the swim. As you can see, there is snow in the background, but he said the water wasn't that cold. Maybe it just didn't feel cold because he going so FAST.
Peter and I represented for the Armstrong's today. Peter broke his chain and had to run the last 3 miles of the ride, but still managed to place 1st place in the event. GO PETER - Mr. Granite Man. I ended up 2nd in my age category. I was pleased with that since I was only up to 7 miles in my training. I have big plans for next year and Peter has a title to defend so we'll be back.
Here is the plaque that Peter won. It's not quite a delicious bottle of wine, like he won at his last event, but the wine is gone now and fueled the victory today.

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