Quote of the week

It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
James Gordon, M.D.



I had a great birthday this year. I woke up to blue skies, which held true for the entire day. (I was in dire need of a fog free day). I got to talk to a ton of people, finished my Christmas shopping and then went to Julie's for dinner. She made dinner for a small group of us a wonderful dinner (roasted chicken, broccoli, fresh, homemade cranberry walnut bread, and roasted pototoes - delicious!) and it was so nice to sit, relax, talk, listen, and laugh. I forgot to take my camera though- bummer! She made me the cutest icecream cake. It was a chocolate cake with peppermint icecream so it was pink :), and she decorated it with gingerbread men candles and rosemary spigs so it looked like the gingerbread men were haning out in the woods. It was awesome! and soooo tastey. We all had seconds, except for Leah who showed serious self constraint. Thanks, Julie!!!

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