Quote of the week

It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
James Gordon, M.D.


back to D town

I have been back in Denver for two days now and I can't seem to shake the nausea. It started when I saw the 50 miles to Denver sign on I-70 and progressed into an unescapable sensation of complete and utter anxiety. This can't be healthy. Due to the stomach situation, I can't say that it's good to be back, but it's good to see friends and to be out of the car for the time being. I am looking forward to getting settled and back into a routine, work and "normal" life. I am leaning more towards Ashland so I am going out there next week to interview and to find a place to live. I will keep you all posted on the happenings.

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