Quote of the week

It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
James Gordon, M.D.


big week of fun

Not much new to report because this weekend was fairly uneventful. Well, not really - it was way over the top actually, which kind of took a lot of "fun" out of it. Cleaned the house in preparation for Mom, Dad and Holly, did some gardening, got some work done, studied way too little (which only ups the stress level!), was up way too late listening to great bluegrass music at the Siskiyou pup, a nice flat run and a short road ride, and then dinner with friends on both nights. Maybe should have done 1/2 of those things to really enjoy any of them...someday I will learn. Mom, Dad, and Holly are coming this weekend though and I am very excited! I have all sorts of fun activities planned, including a day on the river with Pete, a trip to Crater Lake, hiking in the park and maybe a trip to Jacksonville. Should be a lot of fun and action packed! Of course, all but the river trip are "flexible" because I know that not eveyone likes to pack as much fun into one weekend as humanly possible. The weather forcast is good too. Thankfully!

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